Thursday 17 March 2011

I'm not sure exactly.

 Yes, I am surely feeling that different between opposite sex. Female thinks each relations are important than man. Male and Female are useing diffrent language too.

 I am not sure that different comes from born or studying. In Magaret Mead's research said social position is not inborn, a lot of social position add male and female, they are stuied from society about their positon. We can imagine Amazoness legend.  It  relationed with B F Skinner theory.
 But the problem is Mead's research is denied by another case. Twin are borned male but one has problem in his sexual organisation so he turmed his sex male to female. Psycologist believed that time sexual position can chaged by social education, but he suiside because of his sexual positon confused.
 So I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting idea, Jong. I like your references.

    Mark: 2.
